Friday, December 5, 2008

random coffee shots (from my phone that is!)

Hidden barista cam strikes again at Caffeineatics in Collins Street, Melbourne!

Great coffee too...

Curious about this two group machine which I saw on Brunswick Street, Fitzroy, the other day - not too sure about the specs but considering how much coffee I've been making at home recently, I'm starting to wonder if it's worthwhile upgrading to a two group!
(Actually, technically not sure that replacing my E61 lever Bezzera Domus Galatea with the above is strictly an 'up-grade' - at least not in so far as price is concerned!)

Hidden coffee cam - Single Origin

Yummy soy Piccolo from Single Origin in Sydney

Yummy (short) espresso from Single Origin in Sydney

Man did I need this coffee. I think the owners knew we were industry when two of us ordered nine coffees... not sure how but something managed to give us away...

Question? What's the difference between a short espresso and a ristretto?
AnsweR: About a dollar ninety five!

Not strictly coffee related but these are the loos in the cinema complex at the Como building in South Yarra

I thought that they were wort a mention as the building itself is relatively new, but the bathroom manages to capture some gothic charm

Not strictly coffee related but yummy nevertheless... This is a couple of kilos of honey and honey comb which had been growing in the wall in the side of my house

Didn't want to fumigate so I got the bees smoked out and relocated to a commercial hive, and managed to score some honey for my self in the process, which you can in fact add to coffee - see... I knew there was a tie-in there somewhere!

Here's a random shot of BBB taken a couple of weeks ago as I grabbed a coffee on the fly Noticed the other day though that the front window had been smashed in - what a stupid thing to do - and not much fun for the first staff member of the day to discover either, not to mention the unnecessary expense of having to replace the thing either

My joint got broken into a couple of weeks ago so I can sympathise with having to fork out for unnecessary costs for repairs. Still... it gave us an opportunity to beef up security, and now each staff member is issued with a sawn-off upon arrival...

My latest home roast made up of equal parts Ethiopian Limmu & Colombian Peaberry with a hint of Kenyan Fire Estate thrown in for good measure!
The image is a bit fuzzy but the coffee itself is a double ristretto base with only a tiny dollop of steamed milk on top - four days post roast and bloody delicious! I back-blended a small quantity of the Kenyan coffee through it, and it seems to provide added complexity, whilst at the same time drinking very well relatively early! I'm starting to get into the whole 'blend' (as opposed to single origin) thing, and I'm loving the fuller flavours that blending seems to bring out.

From memory I roasted (on my Gene Cafe home roaster) the Ethiopian and the Colombian both at 235C with 100C pre-heat, and 16min / 16.5 min roast times respectively - which surprised me really as I thought that the Limmu would go for longer than the Peaberry, but bang on 16min I saw the first puff of smoke, indicating that I had just reached second crack, so I pulled the roast

Yum. Bloody yum.