Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Brunswick East Project

If you haven't been here already then you owe it to yourself to go

espresso coffee at the european

I cant quite recall the circumstances that lead to this cup and saucer lying side by side, on by table in the back corner of the European, but I do recall that alcohol may have been a contributing factor.  And while its true that there are 'fresher' products on the market than the coffee on offer here, there is no doubting that they make it well.

Not to everyones taste, and a bit 'ashy' on the palate - but still good coffee, better than many places are serving elsewhere

Inside Gerald's Silvia

This is why you should never trust anyone other than a trained / skilled barista with your precious espresso machine.  Gerald's housemate ran his Rancilio Silva dry and burned out the boiler and welded in heating element

soy piccolo - a minor place

I happen to think that this is the best coffee in Melbourne at the moment: soy piccolo from A Minor Place in Albion Street, Brunswick - using Atomica Dark Espresso Blend on a Synesso Cyncra machine.  Not only great tasting coffee but total cool ambience, great service, and a fantastic total chilled vibe.